Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The 50s Ideal

Settling down with a good book is something I haven't done in a looooong time. I'm so enchanted by the adorable idea of a young lady curled up in a window seat sipping tea and reading a book, while she is sheltered from the stormy weather outside. I absolutely LOVE that picture. It gives me tinglies. :)

Oh, im a romantic at heart, I know that. I don't,  however, know who crafted that picture or why it is in my head, but I want it to be me. I want to be the girl who dresses up in tea length skirts with a nice sweater and has her friends over for some coffee  and a Bible study.

I want to be the girl who has one man and one man only: her Christian husband who reads the Bible with her and has daily devotions with her. The girl who faithfully attends church every Sunday and smiles cheerfully at everyone from underneath her pink hat. The girl whose wardrobe may not be the biggest or the fanciest, but at least it's practical and modest, with a couple of dresses reserved for Sunday best.

I want to be the girl, no, woman, who lives for Jesus every day of her life. Who loves others as Christ loves her with a forgiving, gracious, and unassuming heart.

My mom always said I grew up in the wrong era, that, at heart I'm from the 50s. Maybe I should go back to the 50s.

Or maybe I can just be that girl now.

Proverbs 31:10 and 30
A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies....charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Friday, June 7, 2013

A Maddening Scholarship Search

While I sit back and wait for places to actually call me back *cough michaels I really want that job cough* I've been spending a lot of time looking through scholarship websites and applying for scholarships. There's actually quite a few out there which is surprising me because last summer I hardly found any good ones.

Random people and companies make scholarships. For instance theres a fork lift parts company in michigan giving a $1000 scholarship. Whaaaaaat!? There's also some scholarship given by divorce lawyers in California.

Everywhere I looked when I was trying to find scholarships always told me to try fastweb. In reality, I strongly dislike fastweb. I do still use it because sometimes it comes up with good matches, but for the most part they're kind of lousy. They're all really easy to apply for, sure, but there's lots of competition for all of them. Many are enter a drawing, no essay, no minimum gpa 'scholarships'. Yuck.

Zinch is pretty good. Like fastweb it requires you to create a login for best results,  but that's not always a bad thing. At first I was a little wary, but its not half bad. I also like Cappex and College Prowler. These are the main ones I use.

Also..yaknow this whole blog thing? Well first off, I didn't actually think anyone would read it (which, I mean, there's only like four of you). But the actual reason I made it was so I could apply for scholarships. So many of them require you to post your essay on your blog. Get ready for some boring posts!!

A few more websites:
25 Popular Scholarships by big companies (exxon, ford) (I actually cant remember if this one is any good)

Thursday, June 6, 2013


My dad wants me to get married.

Ok, so he didn't come out and SAY that, but I think I can infer it. We were having a nice chat over breakfast about oatmeal and other...normal...things when suddenly, out of the blue, he says,

"Regarding finding a...mate...I was listening to the radio the other day and Michael Medved had a guest on who said the college years are the best time of your life for that"


"I took a lot of notes, you can have them if you want"

"Dad...have you ever heard the term, 'husband hunters'?"

"You know you shouldn't laugh at that. It's not as silly as you may think. This lady was talking to Princeton girls about important issues, and this was one thing they kept bringing up. It's not a bad idea to get your Mrs. Degree."

As if I hadn't thought of it. Yeah ok, its crossed my mind once or twice....ok at least a hundred times. I'm a girl and yes, I think about marriage. That's the truth! But I also realize that God has a plan and the right man will come along when he comes along.

"He'll....beee...drivin' 6 white horses when he comes! He'll be drivin' 6 white horses when he comes! He'll be drivin' 6 white horses,  he'll be drivin' 6 white horses,  he'll be drivin' 6 white horses when he comes!"

Please tell me you've heard that song. But ok, my "prince charming" doesn't have to be rich or drive 6 white horses. He does have to be a godly man. Oh...and musical. If you know of any, point them my way...or maybe send them straight to my dad.... ;) I'm really not that bad of a gal. As my dad just said, "im surprised more men haven't bothered you".

Hahahaha NO. I can wait. I can most definitely wait.

-Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Today's Zealous Apathetic Job Search

What. That doesn't make any sense. And yet that's EXACTLY what I did today.

I need a job. Badly. So, I hopped in the truck and headed off to the stores. Unfortunately...I got the cold feet. The thought of walking into a store and asking for an application actually scares me.

First stop: Target. I had already applied online, but I thought it would be a good plan to check in and see if they had taken a look at it. What did I end up doing? Walk in...walk out. Didn't talk to anyone. (although I smiled at a lady.) Chicken. BAWK BEGAWK.

Round two: Rainbow. Didn't even get out of the truck.

My brain was literally going I NEED A JOB.

I begrudgingly pulled up half way in between Walgreen's and Michael's. Both were hiring!! So, I just kind of walked around both stores, generally making myself look suspicious while I tried to look nonchalantly interested in...soap. and stuff. And not like I had just come in for an application.

Lastly I parked next to Cub. I knew Cub would be an online application, but taking a quick peek around the parking lot, I noted the other stores that I could potentially be hired at. Cherry Berry, Applebee's, Caribou...and TurnStyle Consignment. Pulling myself together, I headed over to TurnStyle, asked for an application, and actually filled it out and turned it back in. We'll see what happens. :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Little Introductory Somethin'

In trying to decide a blog title I decided I'd like to make it punny. I like punny. I like punny things a little too much. And honestly, with a name like mine, it shouldn't be very hard, right? Welll....

Let's see. THE MADHOUSE. Except, I'm not really insane.


MAD FOR ALL THE THINGS. or...better yet... MAD FOR ALLLL THE THINGS! But isn't that kind of infringing on someone else's blog. You know....this one?

Yeah...I can't use that.

The reason I wanted to name my blog that is because I'm in love with so many different things in this world. Alllll the musics! Theater! History! Archaeology! So many things. But the real question is...will this blog be about the things that I love, or about me? I finally decided on the title you see now because I thought it fit ME. I can be a little crazy sometimes, and life's thrown so many things at me.

One thing I do know for sure is that God is in absolute control of my life. I'll probably mention Him quite a bit in here. I don't really know what I'll use this blog for yet...but if God doesn't make it into a fair amount of posts, somethings probably wrong.

Solo Deo Gloria!

To God be ALLLLL the glory.

Oh wait.