Sunday, August 18, 2013

I Can Do All Things...

...through Christ who gives me strength.

And honestly, He must be giving me lots of strength right now because I hardly feel phased or crushed as my semester at home readily approaches.
It reminds me of the song "I am...persecuted not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed. I am blessed beyond the curse for his promise will endure,  and his joy's gonna be my strength"

What's interesting is that whenever I'm down, verses pop into my head--and I don't mean Bible verses. Song verses!! One that repeatedly comes back is a kid's song I sang in Sunday school & VBS all those years ago and had all but forgotten until last summer, when, again I was having money and school troubles.

"My God is so great, so strong & so mighty there's nothing my God cannot do!"

Wow. So, basically this fall I just need to trust in Him and His plan for my life.
Plus, in order to not be even more optimistic I'm writing a post a day over on my friend Hannah's blog The Daily Blah about what makes each day great. I'll link to those in this post once I write them :)

(8/27/2013 Side Note: I added a Daily Blah page over on the right hand side. Click on it for links to my posts and to read what the Daily Blah is all about)

Friday, August 9, 2013

And So it Goes...

August 9th. School starts in 2 weeks and I....I am not going back.

It pains me to write that, and it pains me to think about it, but..I cannot go back.

To be honest, I have never had the complete certainty that what I was doing was absolutely correct, or that the next semester I'd be going back. There's always been that nagging feeling that what if...what if...its not God's will.

To be a 19 year old college student who is not completely sure about her path in life is not unusual. To be a 19 year old college student who is taking a semester off to get it figured out is by no means unheard of feels so wrong.

I want to see my people!  I want to take the classes I signed up for. Intro to Conducting? Linguistics? HECK YES. There wasnt a single class on my schedule that I wasn't excited for.

And yet, I cannot go back.

You see, it's not just an issue of becoming sure of my life path, a huge part of it is money. I guess I'd better spill the beans now.

My family is in debt. We have another house that for seven years we have been trying to sell or rent, but unexpected things keep pushing us in the wrong direction. That house was supposed to be sold to pay off our current house, but now we owe on both of them.

Our family, naturally, has an aversion to debt. Basically, I'm doing this college thing with no debt or not at all. That's hard.

I have been working at a machine shop for about a month now, and let me tell's not fun. However, I do get $10  an hour and about 40 of those hours per I have a weekend job at Chipotle. It's tiring, but rewarding. That's for sure.

This fall, I will continue part time at the machine shop and fill the gaps with work at Chipotle. Hopefully by January I will have enough...

Thank you everyone who has been praying for me. I can't thank you enough.