Monday, January 11, 2016


I first heard the word hubris when I read The Odyssey in high school.

My teacher described it as 'thinking you are better than the gods' (gods being multiple because this is ancient Greece we're talking about). My first thought was, 'wow that's dumb. If you believe the gods know everything, who are you to say you're smarter than them', and my second thought was 'he's probably right. After all, those were made up gods.'

But our God?

Our God is living and mighty.

But see, the word hubris doesn't just apply when thinking about the Greek gods. A quick search will show that hubris really means excessive pride or self-confidence. And that's what I'm going to talk about in this post.

I've always been considered, 'nice' and 'smart'. People tell me that I'm 'sooo nice' all the time, and I've had a few friends tell me that I'm probably the friend who is the most 'spiritual' or 'most connected to God'.

So, obviously they told me those things for a reason, because in their eyes I am super nice, or whatever, but say it enough and I start to believe it.

I start to believe that I'm super spiritual. I start to believe that I don't really have any problems,  I start to develop hubris about myself.

Excessive pride and self-confidence about who I am. About how I am the perfect child.

I mean, take a look at my life and you'll see that I
-Read my Bible every night before bed & every morning when I get up
-Listen to Christian radio or my Bible when walking to school
-Don't watch anything 'bad'
-Don't DO anything 'bad'
-Don't ever get mad or hate anyone.
-Don't drink, don't smoke (anything), don't swear

So, clearly, I'm the perfect child, right? No.

I John 1:8 says that "if we say we are without sin, we deceives ourselves and the truth is not in us". Romans says that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God".

Of course, I've never claimed to be without sin, or claim that I can get into heaven on just my works, but I feel like I need constant reminders that I'm not perfect, or else I develop pride.

Does anyone else feel the same way? How do we combat a feeling like this?

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